lauantai 3. lokakuuta 2015

Fun in the field / Sheltit sänkipellolla

Autumn has started off quite nicely and our girls have found great delight in playing around in the field of yellow stubble behind our house.  At first I feared that the cut stalks of grain were going to hurt their paws, but after having seen them running like crazy I just had to dismiss my worrying and enjoy the show in front of me.

Our lucky pack brought broad smiles on our faces.  Kuura enjoys running free and fast, no one keeps up with her though Della and Brie gave it a really good shot this time.  Taika took it easy and chose not to participate in the wild chase of a grey sheltie.  She was more interested in the land and the possibility to find some delicious left-overs of farmyard manure that had been spread on it earlier in the spring...

Having fun.



Syksy on alkanut melko miellyttävästi ja meidän tytöt ovat nauttineet juoksemisesta talomme takana olevalla keltaisella sänkipellolla.  Ensin pelkäsin, että olkien varret aiheuttaisivat vammoja niiden tassuihin, mutta nähtyäni koirien juoksevan hullun lailla lakkasin murehtimasta ja nautin showsta.

Meidän onnellinen laumamme sai hymyn huulillemme.  Kuura nautti vapaana juoksemisesta ja kukaan ei saanut häntä kiinni vaikka Della ja Brie yrittivät todella kovasti.  Taika otti rauhallisesti eikä osallistunut harmaan sheltin jahtiin.  Se oli enemmän kiinnostunut pellosta ja siihen kevällä ajetuista lantajäämistä...

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